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"NULMAL" MASK DEPICTING LION-LIKE FACE W/ RUFF SURROUNDING FACE CARVED W/ HEAVY RIDGES & LEFT UNPAINTED. THE CENTER PORTION OF FACE IS BLACK, WITH EVIDENCE OF MICA OR SHELL HAVING BEEN GLUED AROUND THE FACE & MOUTH. THE MASK IS SPLIT DOWN THE CENTER, W/ A REPAIR OF COPPER STAPLES. THE INTERIOR HAS A TWIST OF SPRUCE ROOT IN ORDER TO GRASP HOLD OF THE MASK WITH THE TEETH. MARKS> "CAPT. SCARBOROUGH, EX EX B[OX] 22 V[INCENNES]. NW COAST" WRITTEN INSIDE MASK. EXHIBITED MAGNIFICENT VOYAGERS, 1985-1986. EXHIBITED SITES MAGNIFICENT VOYAGERS, 1986-89. PUBLICATION: BAE 3RD ANNUAL REPORT, P. 114; & PL. XIII, FIG. 18, P. 171. USNM ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1895, FRANZ BOAS, "SOCIAL ORGANIZATION & SECRET SECRET SOCIETIES OF THE KWAKIUTL" P. 469 & FIG.117, P. 477. NARRATIVE OF THE U.S. EXPLORING EXPEDITON," VOL. 5, P. 155. "MAGNIFICENT VOYAGERS,"BY VIOLA & MARGOLIS, 1985, ILLUS. P. 141. THIS MASK CAN BE SEEN IN VARIOUS OLD PHOTOS W/ ORIGINAL PEALE # 299. CAPT. JAMES ALLAN SCARBOROUGH WAS A HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY EMPLOYEE, COMMANDING THE HBC SCHOONER CADBORO AT THE TIME OF THE EXPEDITION. HE PRESENTED THE MASK TO THE EXPEDITION.From card (2659): "Originally collected by Capt. Scarborough of the Exped. ?. Made of wood, central carved portion painted black. While the edge all the way around the outside which is carved into a continuous series of heavy wavy ridges is left natural brownish wood color. There are evidences that across the forehead and cheeks there were once pieces of abalone shell glued on. (Probably mica - B. Holm) It is split down the center, from both - top and bottom, not quite through, and has been repaired with copper staples, apparently at the original source. Refer to: Franz Boas: Social Organ. and Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl, U S N Mus. Rep. 1895, p. 469, fig. 117, p. 477." From second card: "Nulmal mask; represents an otter?, of cedar wood. Illus. in BAE 3rd Annual Report, P1. XIII, fig. 16, p. 171. Illus. in USNM Report, 1895, fig. 117, pg. 477. [Illus. in USNM Report, 1895,] (fig. 117) and described (p. 469) in Social Organization and Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl, F. Boas."

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