Shokunin Ezukushi: Ten Item Number: N2.1131 a-h from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Volume I, titled "Heaven", of a three volume set (with N2.1130, N2.1132). The volume has eight prints that illustrate various arts. All are wood block printed in basic colours of orange, black, green, white, and gold. Some pages are detached from the binding. Each print is preceded by a title page with central Japanese characters indicating what is depicted in the print. Translations are in pencil below these characters. The first print (part a) depicts five men working on a Buddha inside a building. The second (part b) depicts three men making umbrellas. The next (part c) shows a man making writing brushes in sides and a man outside using a switch on a hide. The fourth (part d) depicts four men and one woman ? making armour. Following this print is an image of people involved in the paper-making process with stacks of books and scrolls on shelves behind them (part h). The next print (part e) depicts six women spinning thread. Another, (part f) depicts three men and three women dying banners. The last print (part g) depicts four men and two women making clothes out of leather.


This book is a collection of images of traditional handicrafts, compiled in the early 20th century.

Kubota Beisai 久保田米齊: Shokunin ezukushi 職人繪盡 [Complete illustrations of tradespeople]. 3 vols. Tokyo: Fūzoku Emaki Zuga Kankōkai, 1917-1918.