Carving Item Number: Ni73 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Form is of graduating in size, having seven 'steps' on each side. Front and back surfaces are flat. Mirror with metal edging and outlined with two and a half rows of black beads at centre front. Small burnt circles outline form. On front, two crossing diagonal lines above mirror, two semi-circular lines below mirror, and a triangle on the base. On back, central line with paired lines curving away on either side. Beads, some loose and others strung together, are pressed into beeswax to form decorations: red and yellow cross above mirror, red and yellow diagonal line below mirror, three black rows below mirror on right, yellow bordered by red on left of base, black and red cross at centre base, five circles down each side, and four circles down centre back. Pink and yellow yarn pulled through hole at centre top, knotted with ends hanging free. Two red and two yellow pompoms on cord wrapped below mirror.

Cultural Context

contemporary; tourist art; ritual

Iconographic Meaning

May represent the tree of wind?


The Wixáritari are known to the larger world as the Huichol, however that is not the name they use to refer to themselves.