Kimono Item Number: 2772/5 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Uchikake (打掛) with gold, burgundy, blue, green, peach, yellow and brown embroidered designs and a red lining. Design elements include auspicious motifs such as cranes, pine trees, Japanese plum blossoms and the woven patterns on a heavy, creamy white fabric are family crests or kamon (家紋) known as kikkō ni hanabishi (亀甲に花菱), a small diamond-shaped flower motif in turtle shell pattern. The red lining curls up around the bottom of the white fabric to create a thick roll-like ruff known as fuki (袘).

History Of Use

Uchikake (打掛) is a highly formal outer kimono and is worn by a bride or at a stage performance. Uchikake is usually heavily brocaded and padded along the hem known as fuki (袘).