Spear Item Number: 1157/7 a-b from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Part a is a long hollow metal spear with a lance-olate shaped tip end. Part b is the long hollow metal point. The two pieces do not fit together as is; they appear to be missing a wooden piece that would join them together.

History Of Use

According to the Karamojong's beliefs on creation, all cattle belonged to them. For centuries they raided cattle of neighbouring tribes to "bring them home." Spears were often the weaponry used in these raids. Cattle possess high economic and social value as a result. They provide sustenance and they are used for various products. Cattle serve as a form of dowry, and are owned and exchanged to achieve authority, status, and to influence political affairs. Authority in Karamojong communities is mostly given to elders who have the most cattle.