Masked Costume Item Number: 1221/2 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Masked costume. Green wool army coat decorated with fur cuffs, cotton twine fringe and a white fur and navy fabric frontal lining near the brass buttons. The fur has rectangular, red dyed sections. Covering the coat is green and red cotton fabric with rosette-like detailing. The back has a green, red and white figure possibly dancing. Attached to the furred collar by a piece of blue fabric is a green wool hood with a blue protruding fabric nose; fabric eyes and mouth. Brown hair is adhered to give the face a moustache and goatee. At the top are two large, purple ears and stitched to the back are rows of rolled fabric.


K'usillo face mask and costume made in part from an old German greatcoat. Purchased from a small dealer in masks and textiles called La Holateria, in La Paz.