Composite Artifact Bag Item Number: 45SK59B/46B from the The Burke: University of Washington


Not all of the basketry card items have been located. As of 3/17/2004, the following items have been cataloged, and rehoused in box 1 of 2: One artiodactyl rib bone, 27.7cm long; one stick 37.8cm long. The longest of the two sticks was labeled with a tag #46A. However, the basketry card for 45SK59B/46A does not match the description of the stick. Since this stick was found with other items from 45SK59B/46B, they have been cataloged as 45SK59B/46B. Second, of the two sticks 23.5cm long,3cm wide, and flat. Bundle of reeds in upper left compartment, of which we removed a rubber band (see archives and photo). Flat grouping of reeds stuck together with clay 23.7cm long, 4.5cm wide. Additional items are grouped in three bags in box 2 of 2, they include: Bag #1, 12.5cm long twig w/ peeling bark, 10.2cm long and 2cm wide fragment of flat wood, 6cm long and 1.6 wide fragment of flat wood, 8.3cm long fragment of wood w/ tapered point, 4.5cm and 2cm wide fragment of wood w/ frayed ends. Bag #2, 11 pieces of misc. bark, clay, one w/ reeds stuck in it, and a few reed fragments. Bag #3, 3 pieces of matted, and deteriated reeds. Note: Mussel shell described in basketry card not found. B.Avery. Information from field Basketry Card (see Archaeology Archives): Descrption: Reed Material Cut: 4N, 6E Depth: 94cm Horiz. Loc: 20S, 4N; 290E, 6E 1 piece of bone - 6 sticks - ? pieces of bark - assorted reeds stuck together with clay. Bone - 25.1cm long x 2.4 cm (largest point). Longest stick 37cm x 2cm x 1cm; stick 10.5cm x 1.7cm x 0.4cm stick 11.7cm x 0.6cm x 0.4cm; stick 7cm x 0.7cm x 1.9cm sitck 7.2cm x 0.54cm x 0.4cm; pointed stick 8(?).5cm x 1.9cm x 0.25cm Length of main group of sticks - 27cm x 9.5cm. Width of individual sticks: Max: .50 cm Min: .27 cm Mean: .36 cm Remarks: Small piece of mussel shell associated with these artifacts. Thickness measurements from widest point. Width of individual sticks: Max 0.50, Min. 0.27, Mean 0.36cm. Thickness measurements from widest point. Small piece of muscle shell associated with these artifacts.


Other Number: One stick labeled 45SK59B/46A Date notes: 670 +/- 75 BP

Geographical Search Terms

North America Northwest Coast Pacific Northwest Puget Sound Skagit County Washington State Western United States Western Washington

Credit Line

University of Washington Field Party Expedition