Mask Item Number: A4238 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Wooden, carved, bear mask with a long snout painted black with orange edging. The jaw is hinged with pieces of leather on either side, nailed to the lower mouth. Eyes are round and protrude outward. Mouth opens with fangs and teeth showing. The head is covered with two skins, one covering the nose and upper jaw another with fur, covering the top of the head and dangling down the back. Ears are formed out of the skin and sit at the top, back of the head. The inside of the mask is hollow with the exception of an attached twine cord that assistants the mouth in opening. The mask is painted black and orange with Northwest Coast stylized designs.

Iconographic Meaning

Said to represent a bear (nan), however B. Scow (in 1966) said the eyes could mean it's an otter.