Beaded Wristbands (2) Item Number: E2493-0 from the National Museum of Natural History


TWO STRIPS OF RED, BLUE AND GREEN FELT SEWN ON COTTON CLOTH WHICH IS HEMMED AROUND THE EDGE OF THE FELT. THE EDGES ARE ORNAMENTED WITH BRASS BUTTONS AND SEWN BUTTON HOLES, THE ENDS HAVE SMALL BELLS. THE FELT IS COVERED WITH INTERWOVEN BEADWORK OF BLUE AND WHITE SMALL GLASS BEADS. THIS HAD BEEN CATALOGUED AS #2635, BUT THIS IS AN ERROR. THE ACTUAL NUMBER IS #2493 WHICH IS DESCRIBED IN THE ORIGINAL LEDGER AS "BELT ORNAMENTED WITH BEADS AND BELL BUTTONS (DOUBLE).From 19th or early 20th century exhibit label with card: "Bracelets (2). - Strips of red and blue cloth sewed into a band, lined with calico, ornamented on edge with rows of brass buttons and on ends with bells, and interwoven with bead-work. Indians of Northwest Coast. Oregon, 1841. U.S. Explor. Expedition, Capt. Chas. Wilkes, U.S.N." Exhibit label listed number as 2635, which was subsequently crossed out and changed to 2493.