Dentalium Headdress Item Number: E2705-0 from the National Museum of Natural History


HAS ORIGINAL PEALE TAG GLUED ON, NO. 395. WRITTEN ON ONE DENTALIUM SHELL: "CLASSET MR. CALE [HALE?] EX EX".From 19th or early 20th century exhibit label stored with card: "Head-dress - Thirteen strings of shells, Dentalium indianorum, rove through strips of leather 2 ins. long, to preserve band shape. At opposite sides are fastened the ends of a pendant chin-strap made of strings of same shell. Length, 18 ins. Width, 2 ins. N.W. Coast of N. America, 1841, U.S. Explor. Expedition, Capt. Chas. Wilkes, U.S.N."