Copper Item Number: E20778-0 from the National Museum of Natural History


FROM CARD: "TLINKIT USE THEM AS GONGS [sic]. PAINTED WITH DEVICES PREDOMINANTLY BLACK, SOME RED, AND A LITTLE GREEN. SPECIMEN ILLUSTRATED (FIG.3) AND MENTIONED IN TEXT (P.344) OF BOAS SOCIAL ORG. AND SECRET SOC. OF KWAKIUTL. ILLUS. IN USNM REPT, 1895; FIG. 3; P. 343." Caption for figure 3 in Boas states: "The painting on this plate represents the hawk. The upper face shows the hawk's head, and the lower face its body. The three lines on each side of the body are probably the talons."Anthropology catalogue ledger book and list in accession file (this object is # 30) identify this object as acquired in Sitka. It is included on list in accession file of objects "purchased of [Captain] A. [Amos] T. Whitford, Sitka."