Bone from Level Bag Item Number: 45SJ2A/37 from the The Burke: University of Washington


There was one fish bone and three bird bones found in this paper bag. The paper bag was labelled "Birdbone, 2a, mixed" in pencil. The artifacts in this level bag are assumed to be associated with the Burroughs 1949 excavation, based on the site and subsite (letter) designations on the bag, as well as the date of the excavation. Many similar level bags were found in the Archaeology Lab in 1997-1998. There is no level bag list in the documents (see Burke Archives) from Burroughs' excavation, and the level bags were not numbered. As a result, we have assigned each level bag a number based on the site number (and subsite letter if applicable) followed by a consecutive number. L.Phillips, 4/28/98

Geographical Search Terms

Gulf of Georgia North America Northwest Coast San Juan County Washington State Western United States Western Washington