Unmodified Bone Item Number: EXU22D0082800 from the The Burke: University of Washington


Fish bones from this bag were loaned to Robert Kopperl from 5/16/2006 until 12/21/2006 for faunal analysis. The bones were identified to taxon and element, and any evidence of bruning was noted. Kopperl's full analysis sheets are attached to this record. NAB, 8/19/2009 Faunal analysis of non-fish vertebrate bones was conducted on site by Kris Bovy from January to February, 2006. The bones were analyzed in terms of taxonomic affiliation, abundance, and modification. They were sorted into five main categories: bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian, and unidentified. Bovy's full analysis sheets are attached to this record. NAB, 8/19/2009

Dimension Details

Object weight includes bag, label, and any interior bags or labels.

Geographical Search Terms

Gulf of Georgia North America Northwest Coast San Juan County Washington State Western United States Western Washington

Credit Line

Bureau of Land Management, Spokane District

Collection Owner

Held in trust for the Bureau of Land Management, Spokane Office (HIT 5.2004).