Toy Bow, Arrows, And Quiver Item Number: E5127-0 from the National Museum of Natural History


Quiver model with stiffener only; no bow or arrows currently present.Source of the information below: Inuvialuit Pitqusiit Inuuniarutait: Inuvialuit Living History, The MacFarlane Collection website, by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC), Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada (website credits here ), entry on this artifact , retrieved 1-17-2020: Miniature quiver for bow and arrows. It has been made from a piece of caribou skin folded over with the fur inside and sewn with sinew along one side. Hide thongs have been attached along both edges. The quiver is accompanied by a rounded rod made from wood used for stiffening the quiver when it was empty. Stiffeners normally are inserted inside the quiver and held in place with hide thongs. Some of the thongs sewn to the quiver may have been used for this purpose. Others might have been used for tightening the quiver. The quiver and the stiffener have red ochre stains. The stains on the quiver form a pattern consisting of a line extending along the length of the quiver, with smaller lateral lines.