Caribou Skin Gloves (1 Pair) Item Number: E1728-0 from the National Museum of Natural History


FROM CARD: "ILLUS. IN BAE 18TH AR, PT. 1, PL. XX-2, P. 58."Source of the information below: Inuvialuit Pitqusiit Inuuniarutait: Inuvialuit Living History, The MacFarlane Collection website, by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC), Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada (website credits here ), entry on this artifact , retrieved 12-27-2019: A pair of fancy caribou skin gloves. The fingers are each made from a separate piece with the seam along the top sewn onto the hand piece. Decorative trims around the cuffs, across the knuckles and outlining the thumbs are pieced with strips of clipped dark and light caribou hide. Pieces of dark caribou skin are prominent on front and back of the gloves. A strip of wolverine fur with red ochre colouring encircles the cuffs.