Basket for Clay Balls for killing Mud Hens (8581) (bi-chul ka-tu-li) Item Number: 08.491.8612 from the Brooklyn Museum


This is the basket. (see also 08.491.8581 for clay balls and 06.331.8213 for sling) This set, made from materials found and growing around Clear Lake was used by hunters in balsa boats for killing waterfowl. The birds would have been secured by throwing stones with a sling or snared. The basket with the clay balls was commissioned by Stewart Culin. Almost all of these are similar to this, fairly coarse and quickly woven. The basket is filled with shredded tule and the balls are laid out on this when stored in the canoe. While the balls are not fired in a kiln there is some plant matter mixed with the clay and they are sun baked.

Credit Line

Museum Expedition 1908, Museum Collection Fund