Rubbing Item Number: 2578/185 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


There are three images on paper. The largest image is a pencil rubbing of an eagle. Head is at centre, with large head feather extending to one side and the body(?) extends to the other. Ovoid and split U forms are featured throughout the image. Salmon-trout head is evident in the body. The second image is above and to the left of the large image. It is a pencil rubbing of eagle with large head feather at one end to wing and tail feather(?) at other. Ovoid and split U forms featured. Hatching in centre ovoid, cross-hatching in background. Thick border is widest at ends. The third image is above and to the right of largest image. It is a pencil rubbing of an eagle with a large head feather at one end to wing and tail feather(?) at other end . Ovoids and U forms are present. Hatching in centre ovoid, cross-hatching in background. Inscriptions written below each image.