Basket Item Number: Ab357 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Shallow woven coiled basket with slightly flared rim. Main part of basket is light-yellow in colour and the woven design is light-brown in colour. Seen on the inside and outside of the basket and woven into the coils are four lines that extend outwards from the middle of piece. Around the edge of the rim are small light-brown linear designs.

History Of Use

Grass weaving is done by both men and women, but baskets are traditionally woven by most women.

Specific Techniques

Light brown dye is made from mixing yellow and red dye together. Yellow dye is made from roots of wild rhubarb (ocilunguluila). The roots are pounded and placed in cold water with the grasses used to create the coils. Afterwards, the mixture is placed in a fire to boil for half an hour, turning the grasses amber-yellow. Red dye is made by cooking leaves from an evava plant and boiling them in water with bark of the ukondo tree. After they are sufficiently simmered, they are mixed with ash and buried.