Rug Item Number: 1496/2 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Large, thick, rectangular rug, boldly patterned and so densely embroidered in chain stitch that the supporting textile (heavy black wool twill, glued to a layer of burlap) is all but obscured. The large design motif, which is worked with green, gold, pink, orange, and off-white wool thread, consists of circles and geometric shapes within a square frame. There are three of these motifs in the centre of the rug. A narrow edge of the black textile is visible, as a narrow border, at the edge of all four sides of the rug, and a layer of dark brown, lightweight cotton textile is machine-stitched to the back of the piece. All of the colours are faded, however, more vibrant colours are visible if the rows of chain stitches are pushed aside to reveal the unexposed surfaces that lie close to the supporting textile.

History Of Use

rug ?

Specific Techniques

chain stitch