Club Item Number: C479 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Cylindrical, dark brown-black wood handle that curves around at a forty degree angle to create a rounded head with a point at one end. The head is pineapple-shaped with a long spike. The head has six horizontal bands of multiple blunt conical protrusions. A long, conical point extends outward to the tip end. Radial grooves are around the neck. The handle is covered with a black and light-coloured woven sleeve. Black finish.


According to Burnett this 'pineapple' type of club was used exclusively by chiefs. This club may be the one discussed in 'Through Tropic Seas' (p. 155) where he wrote, "The return journey to Suva was broken at the village of Kuba, where a number of interesting and valuable curios were fortunately secured, amongst which may be mentioned ... a rare kind of war club of the pineapple type."