Carrying Pole Item Number: Edz1192 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Length of a halved bamboo stalk; two notches carved into both ends.

History Of Use

Carrying poles of this type were and are used by one person to carry loads of light- to medium weight. The objects being carried were hung from the ends of the pole. Heavy-weight loads were and are carried using poles made of bamboo that had not been split, with the loads often being carried between two people. After the mid-twentieth century the New Territories of Hong Kong began to undergo fundamental changes. The people who had been settled there before 1898, when the British colonizers claimed the area, began to give up rice agriculture and coastal fishing, turning instead to wage labour and increased employment overseas. By the end of the century, educational opportunities leading to the possibility of white-collar work also increased, together with western influences. Twentieth-century changes meant that objects and clothing once useful and appropriate were no longer needed and generally were discarded. By the end of the twentieth century carrying poles were rarely seen in Hong Kong


This pole was purchased from a shop on Chung On Street in Tsuen Wan. The shop sold tools and household utensils.