Shadow Puppet Item Number: 2872/12 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Two-dimensional shadow puppet. The human-like figure is identical on both sides. It has white skin painted with sparse black hairs, round red eyes, an open, bearded red and gold mouth, and bared gold teeth. The hair is black and curled, and contains a gold headdress. The figure wears a checked and decorated garment that sits at the hips and falls to the floor. His legs are bare, with small colourful serpents wound around the ankles. The arms are encircled by elaborate bracelets at wrists and above elbows, and each hand has fingers as well as a large red and pink claw. A long white tail, decorated with several bracelets begins at the puppet’s hip and winds up to the top of its head. The leather of the puppet is pierced decoratively, especially throughout the hair, to allow light to shine through. Horn handles hold the puppet at the middle and move its fully extendable arms.

History Of Use

Indonesian shadow puppet (kulit wayang) used in puppet stage plays.