Wall Hanging Item Number: 2951/2 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Painted hide wall hanging. The scene shows a dance, with a deer, bear, rodents, a turtle and other animals. The figures (except the turtle) have animal heads and human bodies, with tails, wearing traditional hide clothing. Headdresses and feathers adorn the heads of some dancers. One dancer plays a horn, while another holds a drum. The scene is outdoors, indicated by a tree stump, rocks and plants. Outlining the perimeter of the painting are red lines and blue dots in a rectangle. Guide lines can be seen throughout the painting. The edges are fringed. At bottom centre is a signature “THITH-HAK-KEY”. On the back: a circled “11” is drawn in orange on the top left; at bottom left is a sticker saying “Clothworkers’ Company. Bronze Star”.


Created by children of the Osoyoos Band who attended the Inkameep Day School, on the Nk'Mip Reserve, between 1932 and 1942. Unlike many residential school practices at that time, their teacher, Anthony Walsh, encouraged the students to create imagery that honoured their traditional Okanagan language and culture. Purchased for MOA through an online auction, which noted this collection (2951/1-6) as being "from the estate of Cliff Robinson's sister".