Beaded Mat Item Number: 2951/4 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Round leather mat with a beaded image of a doe and her fawn. The deer are both orange with black eyes. The fawn has white spots on its back and the doe has a white rump. The animals appear to be in a resting position, with their legs tucked underneath them. Charcoal guide lines can be seen under the beads in some spots. Visible on the back of the leather are knotted threads used to attach the beads to the front.


Created by children of the Osoyoos Band who attended the Inkameep Day School, on the Nk'Mip Reserve, between 1932 and 1942. Unlike many residential school practices at that time, their teacher, Anthony Walsh, encouraged the students to create imagery that honoured their traditional Okanagan language and culture. Purchased for MOA through an online auction, which noted this collection (2951/1-6) as being "from the estate of Cliff Robinson's sister".