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Registo with image of Sao Francisco Xavier. Woven fabric frame on white fabric covered panel, surrounded by metallic trim. Gray and gold fabric trim along the box edges. Glass front; wooden back. Back is red with gold paint decoration. Small loop on top for hanging.

History Of Use

Registos, elaborately decorated images of saints, are made throughout Portugal and used as household shrines and decorations. They attained their greatest popularity in the 18th century, after the increased production and circulation of engraved images throughout Europe. Registos were sometimes given by the Church and lay brotherhoods to congregations and pilgrims on special saints days as mementos in appreciation of their offerings. Many were later used as bookmarks for Bibles and prayer books or, in the case of small prints, were attached to a pilgrim’s hat or clothes and valued as religious souvenirs. More elaborate images, framed and decorated with rare and luxurious materials made by nuns, were purchased and displayed in richer households.

Item History

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