Item number 2878/48 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number 2878/48 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Fish-shaped brass container. The head of the fish is hinged to the body on the top and latched to the body at the bottom. On the bottom latch there is a short length of black and yellow textile rope. The head has two large half circles on either side which represent the gills. The main pattern on either side of the body is carved in such a way to look like scales. On the top of the box there are three fins, the largest being closest to the head and then getting successively smaller towards the tail. There is a hollowed out circle on the largest fin. On the bottom of the fish there are four wavy lines separated by a straight line. There are two protruding half circles are on top of the line design. Near the tail there is a design that wraps around the fish that is made up of straight lines, wavy lines, arrows and a braided line.
With money stuffed inside, such an item might be sent with a new bride when she moves to her in-law's house.
This box has an open "jali" design mimicking fish scales. Fish are auspicious symbols of fertility and wealth in Orissa.
This box was made using the "dhokra" or lost-wax technique used in Bengal and some parts of Bihar and Orissa States.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
This box has an open "jali" design mimicking fish scales. Fish are auspicious symbols of fertility and wealth in Orissa.
With money stuffed inside, such an item might be sent with a new bride when she moves to her in-law's house.
This box was made using the "dhokra" or lost-wax technique used in Bengal and some parts of Bihar and Orissa States.
Fish-shaped brass container. The head of the fish is hinged to the body on the top and latched to the body at the bottom. On the bottom latch there is a short length of black and yellow textile rope. The head has two large half circles on either side which represent the gills. The main pattern on either side of the body is carved in such a way to look like scales. On the top of the box there are three fins, the largest being closest to the head and then getting successively smaller towards the tail. There is a hollowed out circle on the largest fin. On the bottom of the fish there are four wavy lines separated by a straight line. There are two protruding half circles are on top of the line design. Near the tail there is a design that wraps around the fish that is made up of straight lines, wavy lines, arrows and a braided line.
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