Coin Item Number: 3095/1628 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Byzantine coin of Constantine X, 1059-1067. Obverse: bust of Christ, facing front; he has a nimbus cruciger around his head, which is a cross within a halo; he holds the Book of Gospels in front of him, which is decorated with dots; to left, inscription says ‘IC’; to right, ‘XC’; there is a second inscription to the left, which begins with a cross, and says ‘E’; to right, ‘NOVHA’. Reverse: bust of Constantine X, facing front; he wears a crown with cross and a loros, which is an embroidered and jewelled scarf; to left, he holds a long cross; to left, inscription begins with a cross, and says ‘KWANC’; to right, ‘ACVOIOA’ ? The inscription on the reverse in translation says ‘Jesus Christ’.

History Of Use

"Follis" (denomination); DO# 9; Sear# 1854.