Jacket Item Number: 3295/12 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Long open-front man's jacket, with side slits from the hem up to the waist. Jacket sewn from a dark blue fabric with red trim. The cuffs are embroidered with bands of red and grey, and repeating rows of dark blue and grey geometric designs. The collar and the jacket's tail are embroidered with rows of purple, grey and dark blue geometric designs within red and grey bands. A red plush fabric outlines the collar's embroidery, and eight beaded tassels with long pink-red threads hang from the back of the collar. A vertical rectangle of embroidery decorates the upper back. The interior is lined with a light blue cross-hatched fabric, with exception to the sleeves, which have pieces of blue floral, stripes, or beige and small rose-coloured fabrics.