Silkscreen Print Item Number: 3293/1 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Rectangular, dark yellow burlap cloth with printed images of two crooked beak masks on one side. Image of mask closest to the top is facing right side of cloth. Outlined in black, the mask has an open mouth. Interior of mouth is black with an olive green tongue. Underside of beak is bright red. Upper beak is olive green and has long, exaggerated nostrils with two large circular openings. Shape of nostrils outlined in black. Olive green-coloured rectangular frill extends from brow of bird to end of beak, curving over nostrils. Mask has small red eye, outlined in green, towards its left side, in the centre of a mustard-yellow circle. Black strands, outlined in bright red, underneath mask. Image of mask closest to bottom of cloth is facing left. Outlined in black, mouth of mask is wide, flat and open. Edges of beak are bright red and tongue is maroon. Beak has bright red, ovoid shaped nostrils. Black frill curves upwards from brow of mask and circles downwards to the tip of the beak. Frill has an olive green design, outlined in bright red. Interior circle of frill is bright green. A second frill, red and outlined in black, curves downwards from bottom of beak, from the tip to the base. Frill has a green ovoid design on it. Mask has wide black eyes outlined in bright red. Brow is black. Four square ridges overtop of brow, outlined in black. Interior of each ridge is bright red. Black strands, outlined in bright red, underneath mask. Cloth edges are unhemmed.


Thought to be non-Indigenous made, but inspired by Doug Cranmer's burlap prints. Both masks are from the MOA collection: A1806, A17152.