Fish Basket Item Number: 3393/5 a-c from the MOA: University of British Columbia


A fishing basket [a] with lid [b] and rope [c]. The basket has a circular rim and square base. Very thin, flat strips of bamboo are woven across wider vertical strips to comprise the basket's main body. The weave is close, with only small gaps. The bottom of the basket is woven from wider bamboo strips, in a perpendicular fashion. Two thicker pieces of bamboo form an X-shaped base. The basket has four cylindrical feet, one at each corner. A thin strip extends from the base of each foot, and is woven into the basket so as to attach it. The rim of the basket is made from two larger, horizontal strips of bamboo that wrap all the way around. They are secured by groups of three thinner vertical strips staggered at 2-2.5 centimetre intervals. A circular piece of wood with a cut out centre is secured to the inner rim of the basket by four small nails. The top of the wood is covered with bamboo strips, which have been woven in a chevron pattern. The lid of the basket is small, flat, and circular in shape. It is made from a piece of wood, and is covered with bamboo strips which have been woven in a chevron pattern. The handle of the lid is a thin, straight block of bamboo with downward curved ends. It extends slightly past the base of the lid on both sides, and is secured through the bottom by three small nails. There is a small hole in one side of the handle. The lid was previously attached to the body of the basket via a braided, purple rope, however all three pieces are now separate. The basket and lid are both covered in a clear lacquer.


Basket displayed in an exhibition in 1997 titled, "Fishing Baskets of Asia Pacific"; related to Canada's Year of Asia Pacific programming.