Yarn Painting Item Number: 3573/13 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Yarn painting representing the pilgrimage of the Peyoteros. Square wood board has coloured yarn pressed into beeswax on one side to create an image. This painting represents the pilgrimage of the Peyoteros. Two separate groups of people that are travelling towards the centre of the scene, and in the middle are the chiefs. In their path are flowers. Above them, there is a blue gourd with a white candle, blue corn, blue and green deer head with a white candle on its head, brown and blue arrow, and portal design. Above, to the right, is a figure wearing a large headdress, bules, and a knapsack. Left of the sun is an eagle, carrying lengths of various-coloured material in its mouth. Below the bird is a seated figure next to a fire. Upper left, behind the singer, is an arrow, snake, and a bow. There is a house with an arrow and deer antlers outside, and inside are two bowls with a little deer. There is a thorn on the side of the house. In the five peyotes in the middle they have arrows on each side, and to the left there is a woman with her gourd and candle. Along the bottom, there are four spiders, snakes, people and cornfields. Along the right side, there is a house with two people to the left, and a woman on the right, behind whom is a dog.


Purchased by the donor in Mexico City, c. 1996.