Boomerang Item Number: 3615/7 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Wooden boomerang(?) with painted designs across surface; back is flat, front is curved. One arm is shorter than the other. The shorter arm is wider and rounds out to a small point, longer arm tapers to a rounded end. Elbow has a soft curve. Front has a central snake-like design; done in pink, with a white dotted black border. Both arm ends are pink with identical borders to snake. Additional design of splatters of black and white on either side of the snake, and a semi-circle with dots underneath it. Back is stained dark-grey and red, the wood appears to have been burnt at one end.


According to the donor, the seed necklaces and boomerangs (3615/1-8) were collected in the 1970s-80s in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, in the areas of Halls Creek, Looma Broome and Derby.