Burden Basket Item Number: A8215 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Basket of simple coiled work with bifurcated stitches, elongated watch-spring base construction, and imbrication in red and black cherry bark and cat-tail grass. Ends of basket have half arrowhead patterns in red cherry bark with cat-tail and in black-dyed cherry bark with cat-tail. Sides (left to right) also have half arrowhead design and concentric "V" shapes in red cherry bark, cat-tail and black-dyed cherry bark. The half arrowheads are in red cherry bark and cat-tail. The basket also has the "cluster of flies" pattern in red cherry bark and cat-tail grass. Colour: tan.

History Of Use

This shape of basket is often used when picking berries or for carrying food and other supplies such as medicines when traveling. According to Sto:lo basket maker Wendy Ritchie the sloping sides of such baskets prevent the weight of the berries on the top from squishing the ones on the bottom. Leaves would also be placed between the layers of berries to protect them.

Iconographic Meaning

The vertical design panels on this basket can be interpreted as half arrowhead or as the ladder. The chevron shaped designs are Thompson in origin and are said to represent butterflies wings. The basket also has the cluster of flies pattern.