Mask Item Number: Eh113 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Mask depicting bridegroom (?) king wearing a two-tiered crown composed of a half-cylindrical finial with vertical stripes and a domed base with five vertically tapered slats. The slats have a floral design, and the base of the dome has a leaf and cross-hatching design that sits on a band of vertical stripes. The face is framed by short black hair and a beard that has incised lines indicating the texture of the hair. There is a crescent-shaped slit under each eye. The nose is narrow with a pointed tip and flared nostrils. Large ear ornaments extend outward from both sides of the face and have a floral and crosshatched design.

History Of Use

Royalty are observers at Kolam drama which depicts the feudal order in satirical form. Story enacted through dialogue, mime, song and dance. Dances performed by human, divine, mythological, demonic and animal characters.

Cultural Context


Iconographic Meaning

Elegant depersonalized features of royal masks denote pompousness and pride: reflect remoteness from ordinary people