Shrine Item Number: Ef315 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Shrine that has a rectangular base with arch at back surmounted by umbrella-like motif. A variety of figures are seated or otherwise disposed about the base: five-headed cobra rises in centre of arch; other figures include a bull, a lingam, another cobra, a pile of stones, the elephant god Ganesh, and four female figures, one at each corner.

History Of Use

Dedicated to the god Shiva; probably the centerpiece of a small shrine.

Cultural Context

daily worship

Iconographic Meaning

Umbrella - royal symbol, five-headed cobra is an attendant of Shiva; lingam, a phallic form, is a symbol of Shiva; Nandi is the bull vehicle of Shiva; Ganesh is the son of Shiva and Parvati; piled stones called pancha-pinda represent Vishnu Surya Parvati.