T-shirt Item Number: 3483/6 from the MOA: University of British Columbia


Large, light blue t-shirt with printed design on front, and text on the back and sleeves. Design is made up of text, in Bislama, forming a dark green plastic bag. Text translates to “No plastic bags, please!”. Extending from the top of the bag is a long, knotted strap. Small tassels protrude from the bottom corners. Logos for the Vanuatu Climate Action Network and the Oxfam charity organization are printed on the sleeves in black. Across the back of the t-shirt there is dark green text, in Bislama, asking individuals to sign an online petition.


Three t-shirts (3483/4-6) with environmental messaging, collected by Mayer in Vanuatu at an artists’ centre in 2019. Vanuatu was one of the first Pacific Island countries to ban plastic bags.