Item number Edz938 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number Edz938 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Red twill cotton carrier with floral print in pink yellow, white and green. The carrier is square with long straps attached at each corner. The square has a centre panel of multicoloured appliqué work in pattern of concentric hexagons with eight pointed star in centre. Two straps also have panels of long multicoloured appliqué work. The back is lined with pink cotton.
Used by women to hold a baby or young child on their backs, especially while working. Women who live on boats carry babies in this way for safety and convenience. Also used by Kwangtung farm people, as women there work in fields. Presented to a woman by her mother upon birth of a baby. In use, baby is tied to mother's back by means of two straps passing over her shoulders and under her arms, knotted across her chest (collector).
Red is commonly used with infants as a symbol of happiness and good fortune, and perhaps also to protect the child for evil supernatural influences.
used by women in everyday life
Similar carriers are used by agricultural people in Tungkuan County. Hoklo boat dwellers in Tai Po commonly use such elaborately made carriers, sometimes appliqued in scroll pattern. Applique work is typical of Holko boat dwellers.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
Red is commonly used with infants as a symbol of happiness and good fortune, and perhaps also to protect the child for evil supernatural influences.
Used by women to hold a baby or young child on their backs, especially while working. Women who live on boats carry babies in this way for safety and convenience. Also used by Kwangtung farm people, as women there work in fields. Presented to a woman by her mother upon birth of a baby. In use, baby is tied to mother's back by means of two straps passing over her shoulders and under her arms, knotted across her chest (collector).
Red twill cotton carrier with floral print in pink yellow, white and green. The carrier is square with long straps attached at each corner. The square has a centre panel of multicoloured appliqué work in pattern of concentric hexagons with eight pointed star in centre. Two straps also have panels of long multicoloured appliqué work. The back is lined with pink cotton.
used by women in everyday life
Similar carriers are used by agricultural people in Tungkuan County. Hoklo boat dwellers in Tai Po commonly use such elaborately made carriers, sometimes appliqued in scroll pattern. Applique work is typical of Holko boat dwellers.
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