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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


A slit-tapestry plaque with an interior frame of reed and a five layer multicoloured fringe surround. Tapestry on both sides of the plaque, each with a multicoloured human figure standing in a frontal stance, each dressed differently, on a yellow background. A flexible tapestry section with a row of red spirals on yellow and a geometrically rendered face in yellow on brown is attached to the top of the plaque. Yellow, gold and red are the major colours; white, black, green, pink and brown are accents. Z-spun, two plied s yarns.

History Of Use

Appears to be a fragment of a giant sash-like fabric. Complete ones are illustrated in Sawyer and Tsunoyama. No grave context is recorded for this type of object, so use is uncertain. Sawyer suggests it is a sash or altar hanging.

Iconographic Meaning

The 2 human-like figures resemble Chancay effigy vessels in the stance, the hat and the comb-like teeth. The contrasting costumes may indicate gender difference, a feature explicitly rendered in ceramic effigy vessels.

Item History

  • Made in Peru between 900 and 1476
  • Collected between 1949 and 1966
  • Owned by Anonymous before May 4, 1981
  • Received from Anonymous (Donor) on May 4, 1981

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