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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Bamboo section which has been cut above the nodes at each end; one side has been drilled with a 1cm. Wide hole through the node. Around the top and bottom edges, holes have been drilled through which strands of split cane dyed purple, green and natural colours. Strands have been woven and plaited around the bamboo in a twill weave.

History Of Use

In Arunachal Pradesh, wood, bamboo and cane have been adapted for a wide variety of uses, such as storage, carrying and measuring utensils. This type of bamboo container (palang) is used for carrying fluids, but most extensively for a type of beer called 'apong' which is a nutritious drink, high in protein, brewed from slightly fermented millet and a red variety of rice, to which other cereals, a medicinal cake (seca), and burnt paddy husk (charcoal) are added.

Cultural Context

storage and carrying.

Item History

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