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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Thin light to dark brown carved box resonator, open at the lower end, and tapering towards tapered metal tongues (keys) held relatively parallel to one another lengthwise on the top by a metal lateral bar, and spaced by short bent metal pieces inserted in wood. Tongues' lower ends upended by lateral bar placed underneath. Carved panel lower end has crossing diagonals and a large flat rounded nut strung on hide knotted through holes on either side widthwise across the panel. Small reddish brown nut-like metal container strung on left with cotton thread. Box opening has lateral metal bar with four loosely wrapped metal bands. Length of knotted fibre strung through two holes at box's upper end.

History Of Use

The sanza, or mbira (Shona language) is a plucked idiophone (or lamellaphone) that has been in use for thousands of years, and is played widely throughout the African continent. It is known by many different names, e.g., kilembe, likembe, kadono, akogo, timbrh, and thumb piano and has undergone variations, such as the kalimba, but the general style and function remain consistent. The instrument has been played for both secular and ceremonial use, e.g., around the fire during social evenings, or to commicate with the ancestors.

Cultural Context

Musical instrument.


The collector, Nellie Taylor, served as a nursing missionary (1900-1920), first with the Ovimbundu at Bihe, then with the Chokwe at luma Kasai. She belonged to a group who sponsored several missions across Central Africa from 1881-1931.

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