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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Easter egg with brown background. There is a white duck on each end surrounded by 5 green dots, many orange dots and then an orange curved pattern. Next is a band of alternating yellow and white ducks with yellow, orange and green dots. There is a wide band at the centre consisting of a row of large diamond shapes with 4 lines from points, giving a star appearance. The egg is hollow and fragile. There is a tiny hole at one end.

History Of Use

Pysanka (decorated eggs) are a traditional folk art with pre-Christian roots. Eggs in early times were associated with sun worship, with the yolk representing the sun, and whites the moon. Eggs were used to greet the Spring. Greeting the Spring is still important, however. Easter is their most important association. These eggs are considered benevolent talisman. Children receive light coloured eggs with floral designs. Teenagers are given eggs with blank spaces to represent lives yet to be lived. Married couples receive 40 triangle eggs representing all aspects of their lives together. Older persons are given eggs with black belts, ladders and gates representing heavenly bridges. The eggs are made at night by gatherings of mentally and physically purified women. They are given and exchanged in many contexts.


From the Mykhalylo Huculak Hutzulian Folk Art Collection. They are made by resist dying with bees wax applied in various layers and melted off.

Iconographic Meaning

The decorations on pysanka eggs symbolize hope, happiness and protection from evil. When a women is in the process of making the egg, goodness is said to be transferred to the design and to the household. This design is 'karehama' ? which means ducklings.

Cultural Context

ritual; folk art

Item History

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