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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Rectangular, brocade valance of cream fabric with dark blue design. The design consists of a floral decorated central vase holding lotus and flowers; two butterflies are above on each side; a sword, tassels and beads extend from each side near base. On each side of vase are three panel screens with four pillars. The three screens on the left panel, from left to right, have an aquatic scene of plants and two crabs, woman seated at table in garden and mountain with pine and bamboo. Above the screens are the bamboo is pine, peach, plum and stylized flowers; below are flowers and a dragon fly. The three screens on the right panel, from left to right, have flowers and a mountain; two female figures, one standing and one kneeling with lute, facing a fence; lotus with palm leaves overhead; an aquatic scene with three fish. Above the screens are two birds in flight, two trees, one with flowers; butterflies and crickets. Pillars are decorated with flowers, dogs, peaches, citron and pomegranates top. The ends and one side are hemmed and have geometric double floral borders.

History Of Use

Blue and white embroideries are part of a long domestic tradition. Designs vary geographically but are constant within generations of families except for minor individual variations. Often used to decorate the bed which traditionally played a focal part in household ritual particularly at the new year when all household spirits were honored. They are family made, by women, and family owned. These embroideries were of no local commercial value.

Cultural Context


Iconographic Meaning

The decorative flower motifs indicate Buddhist influence. Fu dogs are mythical beasts used to guard Buddhist temples. The lotus is a Buddhist symbol of faithfulness and is also a symbol for the seventh month, summer and the creative power or female genius. Bamboo and pine are symbols of longevity; oriental citron is a symbol of Buddha's hand and a sign of wealth, prosperity and divine protection. The peach symbolizes marriage and long life; the pomegranate, offspring and prosperity. Butterflies are joy and conjugal fidelity, and the lute represents marital bliss. Mountains represent a place of worship, the sword is the emblem of a sage and the palm leaf of education.

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