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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Dark grey, smooth, carved stone, light grey in recessed areas. Shaped like an isosceles triangle with rounded apex. Base is a large open lotus above which is a small ledge, worn smooth. An inverted u sits at each end. On ledge are three standing male figures in full relief; robes flowing outwards to ground. Robes have square open necks and wide sleeves. Each figure has hand on abdomen. Central figure has lotus headdress; others have bulbous crosshatched headdresses. Behind figures is flat triangular plaque with disc above central figure and scroll carvings around them.

History Of Use

Probably a folk carving, a votive stele from a shrine or temple.

Iconographic Meaning

Headdress of central figure is that of bodhisattva (a spirit entitled to Nirvana but has chosen to be devoted to service). Disc may represent a Buddhist halo or a roundel as seen in Taoist sculpture. Scrolls represent clouds or waves.

Cultural Context


Item History

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