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Part of a tusk, made into an engraved plaque. Piece has one polished and engraved surface, whereas the back surface is rough for most of its length. Tapers to a point on one end. Engraving shows a spotted fish on left, followed by the top of two spouting whales with the bottom half of a swimming walrus between and above them. Next is the tail fluke of a whale and the top of a spouting whale; profile view of a large dog-like animal with a spotted face; two small profile human figures, each with one arm raised and touching; two objects of closely spaced v-shapes along a central line, in the same style as dog's tail and whale spouts; followed by two birds(?); two large feet with hatched lines at ankles. Igloo(?) with two raised platforms; two triangular shapes, a rounded rectangle; and two walruses. Most shapes are filled in with closely spaced vertical lines. Diagonal line extends from second whale spout. Carving marks across fish tail and on edges. Cracks on back near pointed end running diagonally following natural contours.

History Of Use

Pictoral engraving on ivory has its roots in prehistoric (Thule) times. Evidence for the development of engraving from baseline and free standing geometric motifs to pictoral scenes of various activities is seen in brow bands, wrist guards and other objects from Kurigativik sites on Cape Prince of Wales. Historic ivory engraving was commonly found on bow drills made for local use, such as one collected in 1778 by the Cook Expedition. This style of engraving, found on items made for sale (drills, pipes and plaques, etc.), reached a peak in the late 19th century, but declined sharply in 1918 when most master engravers died in an influenza epidemic. The engraved scenes of hunting, village, and ceremonial activities, represented specific personal experiences, the meaning of which has been lost since the stories were never collected (Ray). These objects were made along the coast north of Norton Sound, especially in the Bering Straits region.

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