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E-sugoroku game. Rectangular sheet of paper covered with a woodblock printed scene that shows firemen, known as hikeshi (火消し), on ladders in acrobatic positions on the upper portion, with a crowd of men gathered together observing them in the lower portion. Predominant colours are blue, green, black and brown on an off-white background.

Cultural Context

E-sugoroku (絵双六/絵雙六; “picture sugoroku”) is one type of sugoroku (双六/雙六), a Japanese board game, along with ban-sugoroku (盤双六; “board sugoroku”). E-sugoroku is similar to the English game called 'Snakes and Ladders'.


This e-sugoroku (絵双六/絵雙六; “picture sugoroku”) is entitked, “Kodomo asobi dehajime sugoroku (子供遊出始雙六; Playful children beginning sugoroku) and made by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年) and originally published by Iseya Kanekichi (伊勢屋兼吉) in 1865. Signed 玉桜芳年筆 (Gyokuō Yoshitoshi hitsu). The writing on the right margin is 慶需 玉桜芳年筆 (Keiju Gyokuō Yoshitoshi hitsu) and the one on the left margin is 伊勢屋兼吉壽梓 (Iseya Kanekichi jushi).

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