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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Small clay figure of female. Vase like construction of body with feet breasts, nipples, arms appliqued. Head is well-shaped with prominent facial characteristics of forehead markings and knotted hair. Necklaces, earrings, arm bands and belt are appliqued. Perforations at top of head and on shoulders.

History Of Use

The potters of Tamil Nadu, as in most other parts of India, provide villagers with containers for domestic use. Usually one area of the village is home and workplace to a group of potters (Velar caste). A few men in each community have the additional responsibility for making clay images of gods and other votive offerings. Some enjoy the status of wearing the sacred thread and performing as officials in the village temple, for example at the installation of images, during festivals of worship (puja). Traditionally, clay objects are commissioned as required by the villagers. Once installed in a village temple they are never removed, eventually crumbling back into 'Mother Earth' from where they came. This incense burner is based on a design adapted from traditional village temple figures but is made for sale in the marketplace.

Cultural Context


Iconographic Meaning

Madalam pillai: image used as an offering by barren women to a village deity, fertility plea.

Item History

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