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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MAA: University of Cambridge. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


A bark beater carved from whalebone. The handle of the beater is double ended, one being longer, and the other shorter with a round ended groove cut into its end. The slightly flared rectangular beater section has a cavity through its centre. Theunderside of the beater is scored with fourteen parallel grooves.; Good


The original European tribal names and, where possible, current tribal names have both been given in separate GLT fields. The catalogue card states, See Indians of the Northwest Coast Smithsonian Report 1888 page 325. Beaters were used as part of the manufacturing process of bark. The bark was stripped from cedar trees and soaked in fresh water until it was beaten to remove the inner fibres and separate strands. The material was then spun by rolling on the thighs to form threads. The threads were dried, and later dampened when being woven. The prepared threads were used to weave cloaks and other garments.; Exhibited: Old Anthropological displays at CUMAA, M 12, dismantled 1986.

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