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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MAA: University of Cambridge. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


A high ended grease bowl with an undulating rim which is studded with brass tacks. Brass tacks generally were used instead of operculum shells, and were much more popular with Plains Indians. The outside of the bowl is decorated with bilaterally symmetrical designs composed of the characteristic ovoids and U-forms. It is difficult to identify the creature represented on the ends. Inside the bowl the traces of grease can still be seen, and a ridge following the rim and branching upwards to the edges of the high ends. These ridges are possibly the decorative vestiges of the birch bark precursors made by the Athapaskan peoples (G.Crowther).; Good


The original European tribal names and, where possible, current tribal names have both been given in separate GLT fields.; The grease bowls were used for oolichan and seal grease into which food was dipped during feasts and potlatches. Similar to spoons and bowls the use of objects decorated with crests demarcated potlatches and feasts as events removed from everydayexistence.The crests carved on objects were possibly those of the owner representing a tangible connection between the lineage and the economic resources consumed during the feasting (G.Crowther).; Collected by: ?Watts.J.C in ?1889

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