Item number Af510 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
Item number Af510 from the MOA: University of British Columbia.
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Rectangular cloth with dark blue ground and a light blue pattern, divided into smaller rectangles, four wide by six long, each separated by three light blue, alternating with three dark blue lines. Designs vary, some are repeated, and include geometric and representational designs of birds, flowers, possibly trees and animals. There are wide hems on both ends, narrow hem on one side.
The De Wreede collection was collected over a 2 year period in which the De Wreede's were mostly in Sierra Leone, and partly in Nigeria.
Resist-dyed indigo cloth. The technique was developed in Senegal, in Southern Nigeria among the Yoruba, and in the Sudan among the Hausa. Cloths of this type are painted free hand by women with starch and then dyed with synthetic or locally obtained indigo. They are dyed in pits or large pots. When the starch is removed the pattern is left. Patterns are named and are done only on one side.
This data has been provided to the RRN by the MOA: University of British Columbia. We've used it to provide the information on the Data tab.
The De Wreede collection was collected over a 2 year period in which the De Wreede's were mostly in Sierra Leone, and partly in Nigeria.
Resist-dyed indigo cloth. The technique was developed in Senegal, in Southern Nigeria among the Yoruba, and in the Sudan among the Hausa. Cloths of this type are painted free hand by women with starch and then dyed with synthetic or locally obtained indigo. They are dyed in pits or large pots. When the starch is removed the pattern is left. Patterns are named and are done only on one side.
Rectangular cloth with dark blue ground and a light blue pattern, divided into smaller rectangles, four wide by six long, each separated by three light blue, alternating with three dark blue lines. Designs vary, some are repeated, and include geometric and representational designs of birds, flowers, possibly trees and animals. There are wide hems on both ends, narrow hem on one side.
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