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This information was automatically generated from data provided by MOA: University of British Columbia. It has been standardized to aid in finding and grouping information within the RRN. Accuracy and meaning should be verified from the Data Source tab.


Oval-shaped metal sword guard with triangular hole at centre and ovoid hole to one side. Low relief depiction of a male figure with a hat and sword in profile on one face. The figure's face is copper inlay, the beard is incised, and the hat is gold inlay. Incised tree with one branch on reverse. Made of shicuichi (bronze and silver alloy), open kodzuka, no kogai.

History Of Use

Tsuba are placed between the hilt and blade of a sword, forming an essential guard for the hand. Known to exist in Japan at least since the 8th century, they were plain unsigned metal until about the 16th century, when they became enriched artistic expressions usually made to the order of the individual warrior. The central opening, nakago ana, holds the tang of the blade and often has chisel marks or soft metal inserts as adjustments. It is surrounded by a plain surface, the seppa dai, on which the artist's signature may be found. On either side are the kodzuka and kogai openings, for a knife and a skewer respectively; when both are open the guard is intended for a wakazashi blade (less than two feet) and when one or both are plugged or absent the guard is probably intended for the longer katana blade.


Marion Stephan Collection. The alloy shibuichi is pickled to achieve a lustrous grey-brown tone.

Iconographic Meaning

Figure represents Shoki, the demon dweller, and is based on a mythological Chinese character who subdues the many nagging imps and demons who pester mankind. He is often shown with Chinese headdress, a beard, and a sword. He is depicted with the distinctive broad hat.

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